
A long road trip with toddlers is bound to conjure up some pretty nightmarish thoughts at one point or another.  A silly comment on bath night suddenly inspires something terrible to lurk in the shadows of an orphanage or children’s hospital.

RAGAMUFFYN (Shade Strain)
Ragamuffyns are poltergeist-like spirits given form by the painful and anguished thoughts of children.  The stronger the fear and suffering, the stronger the psychic impressions that feed and nourish the spirit.  In its most immature form, these spirits are little more than nuisances.  However, when allowed to grow in strength and power, ragamuffyns can be terrible adversaries.

These spirits are common in mental institutions, asylums and hospitals that care (or do not, as the case may be) for children.  They can also appear in poor houses and orphanages, as well as in child cemeteries.  They are capable of taking form, appearing as diminutive, unkept and filthy children, with emaciated limbs and distended bellies.  Their hair is long, shaggy, and crawling with lice and filth. A ragamuffyn’s eyes appear black and sunken, with pale flesh that has never seen the sun.  They flourish in dark, shadowy places.

Despite their origins, ragamuffyns are not a direct threat to children.  In fact, a mature ragamuffyn feeds on the psychic impressions of adults. These spirits will often appear to a lonely, frightened child offering secret kinship.  Many mistake these spirits for “invisible friends” of unwanted children.  But as the child and spirit become closer, the spirit binds itself to the child and will never willingly leave.  The relationship is parasitic, and destined to kill the child, at which time the ragamuffyn will move on in search of another child to befriend.

Ragamuffyn (Minion)
Threat Rating: 2
Hell’s Favor: 1
Fear Rating: 1
Pace: 3
Special Attack: Claws/Bite (+3/+3), Thrown Objects (+1/+3)
      • Intangibility/Focus Bound (Feed upon fear, loneliness, pain)
      • Telekinesis/Atmospheric Disturbance (a sensation of cold and loneliness persists in the presence of a ragamuffyn).
      • Frightening Presence/Repulsion (Laughter)
Skills: Notice +2
Ragamuffyn Bully (Villain)
Fear Rating: 3
Hell’s Favor: 2
Pace: 3
Initiative: Reflexes 7d
Melee: Claws/Bite 7d (+6 damage)
Ranged: Thrown Objects 5d (+3 damage)
Defenses: Avoidance: 4, Discipline: 2; Fortitude: 2
Armor: None
Health Track: 6/6/6
Talents: Burst of Speed, Grand Fury
Talents: Burst of Speed, Grand Fury
Fundamental Power/Price:

Intangibility/Focus Bound (Feed upon fear, loneliness, pain)

Additional Powers & Prices:
  • Shadow Passage/Restriction (May not leave the bounds of the building or place it inhabits) (Movement)
  • Telekinesis/Atmospheric Disturbance (a sensation of cold and loneliness persists in the presence of a ragamuffyn).
  • Deathly Fright/Repulsion (Laughter)
Story Ability: Demesne/Restriction (Never directly harm children)
10d: Stealth
7d: Reflexes
6d: Notice
5d: Command (Intimidate), Resolve

Shades are a form of ghosts left behind by their sheer wickedness.  They can be found on pg 168 of the Grand Tome of Adversaries, 2nd edition (2015)

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